Physical Symptoms
- Headaches/migraines
- Abdominal or back pain
- Chronic muscle tension
- Chronic fatigue
Suicidal Thoughts
- Suicidal thoughts/urges
- Suicide attempts
Eating Disorders
- Loss of appetite
- Bulimia/anorexia/obesity
Self Injury
- Accident prone
- Desire to self mutilate
- Self mutilation, self hitting, etc.
Substance Abuse
- Prescribed psychoactive medication
- Illegal substances and alcohol
Fear and Anxiety
- Fear of abandonment/isolation
- Generalized fear of men/women
- Panic attacks/anxiety attacks
- Phobias, i.e. agoraphobia
Sleep Pattern Disturbances
- Restless sleep/insomnia
- Nightmares/night terrors
- Sleep paralysis
Dissociative Experiences
- Memory lapses/blackouts
- Flashbacks
- Spacing out
- Distorted sense of reality
- Amnesia
Sexual Difficulties
- Avoidance of sexual intimacy
- Sexual dysfunction
- Sexual compulsiveness/addiction
- Prostitution
- Offender behaviour
Emotional Difficulties
- Depression
- Guilt/shame/self blame
- Anger/rages
- Inappropriate emotional expression
- Flattened affect (numbing)
- Crying/sadness/feelings of helplessness
Parenting Problems
- Over of under protective
- Over or under controlling
Distorted Beliefs
- Everything is my fault
- No one can be trusted
- I am inherently shameful/bad
Self Esteem
- Poor self image
- Poor body image
- Feelings of worthlessness
Relationship Problems
- Poor interpersonal boundaries
- Attraction to abusive partners
- Lack of assertiveness
- Neediness and/or distancing
- Addiction to conflict/drama